Thursday, September 12, 2019

Major Theories of Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Major Theories of Organizational Behavior - Essay Example In this paper we would discuss the ways the major organizational behavior theories have helped, guide the way for managers in the complex and changing global business environment. The principal purpose of organizational structure is one of control: to control the way people coordinate their actions to achieve organizational goals and to control the means used to motivate people to achieve these goals. At Microsoft (Dumaine, 1990), for example, the control problems facing Bill Gates were how to coordinate scientists' activities to make the best use of their talents and how to reward scientists when they developed innovative products. Gate's solution was to place scientists in small, self-contained teams and to reward them with stock in Microsoft based on team performance. For any organization, an appropriate structure is one that facilitates effective responses to problems of coordination and motivation - problems that can arise for any number of environmental, technological, or human reasons. As organizations grow and differentiate, the structure likewise evolves. Organizational structure can be managed and changed through the process of organizational design. At the same time that organizational structure is evolving, so is organizati

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