Sunday, November 3, 2019

Woman and Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Woman and Human Rights - Essay Example It was acclaimed in New York on18 December 1979 (Haan, 2010). This document proclaims that women should be protected by the government against discrimination. Numerous aspects connected with gender discrimination are considered in this document. Another regulative document is Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict acclaimed on 14 December 1974 (Haan, 2010). This document guarantees protection of women and children rights in armed conflicts. Thus inhuman acts violating the rights of women and children are considered to be destructive in this document. Very often civilians suffer from armed conflicts for liberation or a struggle against an enemy. This issue is considered in the document in detail. Another document is Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women acclaimed by General Assembly resolution 48/104 on 20 December 1993 (Haan, 2010). This document propagates that â€Å"the rights and principles with regard to equality, s ecurity, liberty, integrity and dignity of all human beings† are practically and legally applied to women. Basically, the violence against women is understood as violation of rights and basic freedoms of women. As far as this document propagates non-violation against women it can be claimed that this document would practically help a ‘full advancement’ of women.... In accordance with world’s analysts, â€Å"unless we empower and render justice to women we stand little chance of making a dent on the problems of conflicts, underdevelopment and injustice† (Women Gaining Voice). Therefore there is a need to focus attention of the International Commission on human rights and other related organs on the necessity to centralize women interests and rights. On their behalf, Women’s organizations around the world should proclaim their rights and appeal to the society to support all women in the world. The situation is better in EU and America, but the countries of the Third World experience even greater complexities connected with women’s rights regulations (Pillai et al, 1999). For example, in Africa there is a fast development of women’s movement directed on development of women’s partnership with media, educational and training institutions etc. Thus, it is evident that hindering factors of promotion and prote ction of human rights in Africa are facilitated by active participation of women’s organizations in that country. The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) is a non-governmental organization though it has a strong goal: â€Å"to participate effectively the development of our continent and †¦ensuring that African women voices influence decisions made at different levels that impact of their lives† (Women Gaining Voice). Therefore it is evident that a struggle against oppression of human rights in Africa conducted locally is a sign of advancement of ‘women’s empowerment, development, equality and peace in Africa’ (Women Gaining Voice). Basically, reforms of women’s attitudes to their rights

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