Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Theory, Differential Association Theory And...

This paper examines the concepts of criminological theory, the history of criminological theory, differential association theory, and the effectiveness of Boys Girls Club of America. The basis of criminological theory is to provide an explanation for what causes crime and criminal behavior. The differential association theory was a leading sociological crime theory that was created by Edwin H. Sutherland. This theory argues that delinquent behavior is learned through interactions and communication with other peers. The purpose of this theory was to develop a theory that could be applied universally among all crimes and criminal behaviors, including white collar crime. Differential association argues that delinquent behavior is learned from an excess of definitions favorable to law violation, and vice versa for nondelinquent behaviors. This theory has its fair share of criticisms; the testability has been scrutinized for the inability to operationalize the concepts of differen tial association. Specific mentoring programs, such as the Boys Girls Club of America, were created to establish a positive environment for youth for development. The Boys Girls Club’s mission is to provide developmental guidance to youth to reach their full potential as responsible citizens. Members have expressed that these clubs provide a caring, nurturing environment, an atmosphere to learn positive behaviors, and assistance in developing diverse skills and abilities. ThisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Criminological Theories13456 Words   |  54 PagesStudent Study Guide for Ronald L. Akers and Christine S. 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