Friday, January 3, 2020

Essay on The Role of Men and Women - 940 Words

In order to fully comprehend and appreciate the implication of literature and the power it has to elucidate upon life’s various facets, it is imperative to compare and contrast various works, which possess certain concepts and beliefs that are common. No Exit by Jean Paul Satre and Night Flight by Antoine De Saint-Exupery are two works of literature that share certain ideas and concepts, one of which is the exemplification of the different roles that men and women play in society and how they have been conformed to occupy certain positions. No Exit and Night Flight are two stories that explore the roles of men and women in society. However, a literary analysis and comparison of these two works reveals two very different sides of the†¦show more content†¦In my opinion, gender roles are being challenged today to a certain degree, but in order for us to become more open-minded, it is imperative to find a central path between the two extremes. While it is important for us to maintain our physiological differences and fulfill certain individual responsibilities, it is equally important for women to assume more significant roles outside the household and to realize their full potential. No Exit, by Jean Paul Satre follows three characters who have been condemned to â€Å"hell†, for the evil deeds committed by them. Here, Satre has represented hell, not in its biblical or Christian sense, where the sinners and transgressors are tortured, but as a room, with no windows and only one door, and where the inhabitants are left alone with their thoughts and the other persons that reside therein. As the play unfolds, the audience is made aware of the sins committed by the individuals that have caused them to be here, including adultery, murder and cowardice. Through this explication, the author has showed us the differing gender roles adopted by men and women but more importantly how certain individuals will tend to deviate from these norms. Though the expected norm is for a man to be brave and fearless, Joseph Garcin is a coward and refuses to accept his responsibilities, made abundantly clear by hisShow MoreRelatedRoles Of Men And Women1250 Words   |  5 PagesWhen you think of the roles for men and women in a relationship, what do you think of? Do you see both men and women working full time jobs or do you only see the man working and the wife staying at home? Roles are continuing to change in many ways. People can choose to either get married young or wait until they are older. We get this picture in our head of how our love lives are supposed to be from the media. Some people consider their jobs to be just as important as their relationships. 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