Monday, May 18, 2020

Evaluation Of My Seven Habits Profile - 1732 Words

During the evaluation of my seven habits profile, my life balance speaks of maintaining things that are important to you. I am in a wonderful relationship and work very hard to spend as much quality time with my partner as I can. That being said, I still work at maintaining outside relationships with my friends by spending time with them on the phone, or perhaps going out to dinner. When working, there are when things can feel very overwhelming. What I strive to do is take one task at a time and go from there, being proactive when life challenges come up. I work at seeing the glass as half empty, rather I strive to see it as half full. We are asked to give special treatment to other doctors or their employees whenever they enter or call the office, I on the other hand feel that each patient that walks through the door should be treated in the same special way. By greeting each patient with a smile and a sweet hello, and only I can control my action toward someone. â€Å"In essence, we propose that a leader s propensity for compassionate love will encourage a virtuous attitude in terms of humility, gratitude, forgiveness and altruism†. (Dierendonck) When I was younger one of my first career choices was to work in human resources, but I seem to have gotten off the beaten path somewhere, working in banking, then moving into the dental field as an assista nt. Once I entered the dental field I did not think I would every re-enter to the corporate world again, as time hasShow MoreRelatedSeven Habits Profile : An Evaluation Of My Personal Leadership Style1498 Words   |  6 PagesSeven Habits Profile: An Evaluation of my Personal Leadership Style I have always thought of myself as a strong, motivated leader, and based on the results of my seven habits profile I can confirm that there will always be room to grow. 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