Thursday, December 26, 2019

Reasons Why Mesopotamia Should be Considered a...

Mesopotamia- the land between the rivers- was a region of land in the Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that has been dubbed as the â€Å"cradle of civilization.† But why does Mesopotamia get the title of a civilization? From the invention of the wheel to the invention of writing, Mesopotamia is responsible for many firsts in human history. As people began to settle down permanently, due to a decrease in the need for farmers, people began to specialize in occupations. The more people that moved into Mesopotamia, the more traditions and beliefs spread throughout the area and soon a state religion became evident. Therefore, Mesopotamia is a civilization because it made major contributions in the fields of Writing and†¦show more content†¦Secondly, Mesopotamia can be considered a civilization because people began specializing in occupations that they liked or were experts in. This occurred because there was reliable and plentiful food production going o n due to farming tools developed to make farming more efficient, this meant that not as many people needed to work as farmers. This allowed for people to specialize in trades that they liked or were good at and it allowed them to barter goods and services amongst one another. This proves that Mesopotamia is a civilization because generally, civilizations facilitate the exchange of goods produced by different trades-people. Mesopotamians became talented bakers, brewers, weavers, tanners and scribes. People working in these trades prove that Mesopotamia is a civilization because with people specializing and developing new skills, the quality of work would increase which would help Mesopotamia grow into a more advanced and complex society. Therefore, the increasing amount of specialization in occupations proves that Mesopotamia is a civilization. Finally, Mesopotamia can be considered a civilization because of the existence of a state religion. Mesopotamia had a polytheistic religion with about 3600 gods and demigods. This proves that Mesopotamia is aShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia1125 Words   |  5 PagesAround seven thousand years ago there existed two main civilizations: Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, and Ancient Egypt along the Nile. Even though Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were both advanced civilizations they had many differences such as their government, religion, as well as their trade and society. 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Scholars believe this limestone statue from about 2500 B.C.E. depicts a king or a priest from Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus valley in present-day Pakistan. Does this figure seem to emphasize the features of a particular person or the attributes of a particular role? Hear the Audio for Chapter 1 at CRAIMC01_xxxii-031hr2.qxp 2/17/11 3:22 PM Page xxxii EARLY HUMANS AND THEIR CULTURE page 1 WHY IS â€Å"culture† considered a defining traitRead MoreThe Importance of Numeration and the Application of Counting Throughouth History875 Words   |  3 Pagesit’s respective parties, which is why accounting came to be. Accounting is universally known as â€Å"the language of business†; in the modern business world accounting revolves around four main financial statements. These statements are known as: the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of retained earnings and the statement of cash flow. This however, is modern accounting, it has evolved significantly since it first commenced in ancient civilizations. Its hard to say when accounting

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Theory, Differential Association Theory And...

This paper examines the concepts of criminological theory, the history of criminological theory, differential association theory, and the effectiveness of Boys Girls Club of America. The basis of criminological theory is to provide an explanation for what causes crime and criminal behavior. The differential association theory was a leading sociological crime theory that was created by Edwin H. Sutherland. This theory argues that delinquent behavior is learned through interactions and communication with other peers. The purpose of this theory was to develop a theory that could be applied universally among all crimes and criminal behaviors, including white collar crime. Differential association argues that delinquent behavior is learned from an excess of definitions favorable to law violation, and vice versa for nondelinquent behaviors. This theory has its fair share of criticisms; the testability has been scrutinized for the inability to operationalize the concepts of differen tial association. Specific mentoring programs, such as the Boys Girls Club of America, were created to establish a positive environment for youth for development. The Boys Girls Club’s mission is to provide developmental guidance to youth to reach their full potential as responsible citizens. Members have expressed that these clubs provide a caring, nurturing environment, an atmosphere to learn positive behaviors, and assistance in developing diverse skills and abilities. ThisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Criminological Theories13456 Words   |  54 PagesStudent Study Guide for Ronald L. Akers and Christine S. 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In the quest of finding survival feet, the nation has evolved series of socio-economic and educational measures but these have not improved the socio-economic status of families in the country. It’s within thisRead MoreEvaluation Plan for Arkansas School of the 21st Century Program6447 Words   |  26 Pagesbuilding housing 5 additional classrooms. S21C is an integral part of the Paragould School District. By August, 2013, seven preschool classrooms will join kinderg arten and first grade students at the new Paragould Primary building located on Country Club Road. The Paragould School District was successful in passing a millage to build this site and a middle school (Gilliam, amp; Marchesseault, 2005). 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Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To our grandchildren Annika, Jacob, Katherine, Madison, Magnus, and Molly Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesreproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopyingRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of workRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagesthan products because organizational associations such as innovation, leadership and trust are particularly relevant in endorsement context for ex. Nestea and Nescafe create associations with its mother brand Nestle and Mcchicken, Mcburgers, Mctikki, etc. from Mcdonald’s. Tata has 80 different companies operating in seven business sectors, which are endorsed under the mega-brand TATA. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chinua Achebes novel of life Essay Example For Students

Chinua Achebes novel of life Essay Chinua Achebes novel of life in colonial-era Nigeria, Things Fall Apart, contains the character Okonkwo as the protagonist. Okonkwo represents the idea of a successful person; an admired hero even. Characteristics such as bravery, strength, and a desire to succeed are what everyone admires about Okonkwo. His fear of becoming like his father gave him this desire to succeed, and consistently motivated him to progress through life. However, Okonkwo personifies the idea of not just a hero, but a tragic hero. Fear is Okonkwos main motivation throughout the book. Achebe says, He was possessed by the fear of his fathers contemptible life and shameful death (Things Fall Apart 18). He was motivated to work hard and succeed by this fear. Even as a young boy, Okonkwo began to work hard at farming as an attempt to become successful and earn respectability. Okonkwo says, I began to fend for myself at an age when most people still suck at their mothers breasts. If you give me some yam seeds I shall not fail you. (Things Fall Apart 21). Okonkwos strong successful tone gives readers the idea that he began to work and persist at an early age. We will write a custom essay on Chinua Achebes novel of life specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now His persistence is exemplified by the fact that the first year of cultivation was ruined by early coming of rains. is one of the best men of his time and place; he strives mightily and is destroyed by events beyond his control, says Dr. Diane Thompson (Thompson 25). However, Okonkwos will allows him to survive the rains in his first year of cultivation and continue and succeed. Okonkwo is a man possessed with the endless will to succeed. Achebe wrote, Since I survived that year, he always said, I shall survive anything. He put it down to his inflexible will. (Things Fall Apart 24). The determination, persistence, and labor paid off for Okonkwo in the end, as his rewards became a barn full of yams, three wives and many children. All of Okonkwos actions begin in fear of his not being like his father. Okonkwos admirable and heroic qualities were not limited to only the strength of his will, but they also include the physical abilities and emotional strengths. The physical strength of Okonkwo is a reason for his success. Okonkwo was the best wrestler in the nine villages and never was beaten. Amalinze the Cat who, until the time of Okonkwos victory, had never, in seven years, been beaten. (Okonkwo) was tall and huge, and his bushy eyebrows and wide nose gave him a very severe look When he walked, his heels hardly touched the ground and he seemed to walk on springs, as if he was going to pounce on somebody (Things Fall Apart 3). Okonkwo would always use his fists to settle something, rather than try to utter words and settle something. Okonkwos emotional strength is another quality which makes him more fitting in the role of a hero. His bravery was one that could succeed and persist and help bring the courage of those around him higher. Okonkwo was unflinchingly ready to strike against the white men when everyone around him wished not to. He saw all the ones who wished not to wage war against the white men as womanly. Okonkwo says, The greatest obstacle in Umuofia is that coward, Egonwanne Tomorrow he will tell them that our fathers never fought a war of blame. If they listen to him I shall leave and plan my own revenge, about the town crier (Things Fall Apart 200). Okonkwos heated and inflamed words show his bravery did not come as the result of inspiration by those around him, but rather from his own inner emotional strength. Okonkwos heroic qualities of strength in mind, body, and will led him to success in life, and respect. .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 , .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .postImageUrl , .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 , .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:hover , .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:visited , .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:active { border:0!important; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:active , .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9 .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u39542b38043cd26d694bfcf68ad6a3d9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Critique of Moulin Rouge and Romeo +Juliet   EssayDespite all the great and heroic characteristics, Okonkwo has a tragic flaw. Okonkwos hamartia is his inability to accept change. White men entered Umuofia and many Ibo villages cleverly and without causing violence. The change of Nwoye, Okonkwos son, becoming a Christian affected Okonkwo to the point where he went on a rampage, and ended up deciding that his son was not worth fighting for. If such a thing were ever to happen, he, Okonkwo, would wipe them off the face of the earth, writes Achebe about any of Okonkwos offspring becoming Christian and praying to the white mens god (Things Fall Apart 153). White men, howev er, began to slowly gain control of more and more of Umuofia, and Okonkwo could not accept this. What angered Okonkwo was not just the presence of the white men, but the fact that he could not act and rid the village of the white mens presence himself. Okonkwos tragic flaw is the end result of a number of factors. His rashness, anger, violence, and all of his heroic characteristics come together to form his tragic flaw of not being able to accept change. Achebe himself says, it is dignity that many African peoples all but lost in the colonial period (Achebe 20). The change of losing his dignity is what, in the end, overcomes all of Okonkwos positive strengths and aspects and causes him to take his life. Okonkwo is the character that represents the loss of dignity, and the effect of the loss of dignity as well. Although is a superior character, his tragic flawthe equation of manliness with rashness, anger, and violencebrings about his own destruction, says Selena Ward (Ward Character Analysis 24). However, Wards conclusion of Okonkwos tragic hero-like qualities is not enough. Okonkwos character becomes tied to the classical of a tragic hero as he is a hero who, because of his own internal tragic flaw and external forces which he cannot control, ends up losing.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Night By Elie Wiesel Essays (637 words) - The Holocaust,

Night By Elie Wiesel There are many themes in the novel Night, by Elie Wiesel; some of these include loss of faith, father-son relationships, food and hunger, and disbelief. One of the most interesting theme is the father-son relationship. This theme can be seen throughout the novel with many fathers and sons. Elie has a very strong relationship with his father. His main reason for not giving up in the camps is so his father is not alone. Some kinships are not like Elie?s and his father?s. One son purposely loses his father so that he does not burden him and another son beats and kills his own father just for food. Father and son relationships can be seen in many parts in Night and takes a very large roll in the novel. One of the relationships between fathers and sons that demonstrate the compassion for one another, not cruelty, is the relationship between Elie and his father. During the march to Gleiwitz, Elie thinks he can no longer go on with this horrible ordeal but decides he will keep on going for his father. Elie?s inspiration during the endless march is his father. "My father?s presence was the only thing that stopped me?He was running at my side, out of breath, at the end of his strength, at his wit?s end. I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his only support" (82). Their relationship is so strong that is actually gives Elie a reason to keep on living through this novel. Some relationships are not as pleasant as Elie?s with his father. Elie talks about a son and his father, a Rabbi, who intentionally loses his father during the march to Gleiwitz. "A terrible thought loomed up in my mind: he had wanted to get rid of his father! He had felt that his father was growing weak, he had believed that the end was near and had sought this separation in order to get rid of the burden, to free himself from an encumbrance which could lessen his own chances of survival" (87). When Elie realizes what has happened between the Rabbi and his son, it is very disturbing to him and he prays for strength that he never does this to his father. In these camps, survival was so difficult that it is not unusual for people to become self-centered. During the train ride to Buchenwald a very disturbing situation happens between a father and son. Workmen were throwing pieces of bread inside the wagons just to see the prisoners fight over the food. While they are doing this, an old man comes across a piece of bread and sneaks away from the mob of people, but the man does not go unnoticed. Someone threw himself on top of the old man and begins to hit him for the bread. While this is happening, the old man screams out "Meir. Meir, my boy! Don?t you recognize me? I?m your father?you?re hurting me?you?re killing your father! I?ve got some bread?for you too?for you too?" (97). The other person killed his own father just for some food that his father was going to give him anyway. During the Holocaust, food was so scarce that a son would kill his own father just for some more food. The relationship between fathers and sons is a very important theme in Night. It can be the inspiration for survival but for others, survival for themselves costs them their relationship. This theme shows how cruel human beings can be. With the son beating and killing his own father, or the son abandoning his father so that he does not have to deal with him anymore. This theme can also show the beauty of the relationship, with Elie?s father being the reason Elie keeps on marching on their way to Gleiwitz. The Holocaust can change the way people are, very dramatically, making them very cruel and selfish.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Student in sweden essays

Student in sweden essays Amerikas stater blev frenade 1787. Samma r bestmde man en "constitution" som alla skulle flja. dvs Presidenten och hur mycket makt han skulle ha, och folkrepresationen senaten och kongressen. Man bestmde efter mycket debatterande att presidenten skulle ha makt ver militren och ta hand om all utlandspolitik. Men Presidentens makt strcker sig lngt ut i vrlden. Han ses som vrldens mktigaste person med hela Amerikanska krigsmakten bakom sig, (den starkaste i vrlden)och USAs ekonomi r ocks den mest stabila och starkaste, och den pverkar resten av vrldens ekonomi. Som nu nr president valet fortfarande r ovisst s sjunker vrldens brser i vntan. Presidenten styr landet och kommer med lagfrslag och budgetfrslag som sen kongressen tar beslut om. Eftersom USA r en demokrati s styr Presidenten inte ensam landet, han har hjlp av sjlv valda ministrar, experter och rdgivare. Det r regeringen, men de ses endast som presidentens hjlpredor. Presidenten r ocks beroende av std ifrn kongressen och hgsta domstolen fr att f igenom sina frslag. Kongressen r folkets representant i Vita Huset. Den bestr av Senaten, i senaten finns tv representanter ifrn varje stat. Och representant huset som bestr av 435 platser som frdelas i val. Hgsta domstolen har en stabil makt position, den har kontroll ver lagar och upprtthller konstitutionens alla rttigheter. HD ser till att de politiska besluten fljer dem. Hgsta domstolen har nio domare, de utses p livstid av kongressen av frslag ifrn USA:s president. Den Amerikanska makten r uppdelad i tre, Presidenten. Kongressen och hgsta domstolen. Det amerikanska folket gillar balans och p ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Proof and Prove

Proof and Prove Proof and Prove Proof and Prove By Mark Nichol The following words are related to each other and to words based on the element prob-, seen in a number of words ranging from probe to probable and derived from the Latin verb probare, meaning â€Å"demonstrate† or â€Å"test.† The noun proof refers to evidence or something that makes an assertion certain or valid. It also applies to a test of an object or substance to evaluate its quality. The term also pertains to the alcoholic strength of a beverage, to a special collector’s issue of a coin (but originally in reference to coin production as a test run), to a test impression or print, or to typeset material produced for correction before a final version is published. As a verb, proof refers to activating yeast, strengthening something, or correcting text; proofread is an alternative to describe the last action, the activity is called proofreading, and one who proofreads is a proofreader. The word functions as an adjective in references to resistance (for example, â€Å"Education is intended to be proof against ignorance†), which is condensed in compounds such as foolproof. Prove (by way of the Old French verb prueve) means â€Å"check,† â€Å"test,† or â€Å"verify,† or â€Å"show that one is capable or worthy.† The past tense is rendered as either proved or proven, and the adjectival and adverbial forms are provable (or proven or, rarely, proved), and provably, while one who proves is a prover, and the quality of being provable is provableness. Other than the past-tense forms and the adjectival form provable, these words are not common. Approve (by way of the old French verb aprover) originally was simply a variant of prove, but it later developed the sense of â€Å"agree to,† â€Å"allow,† or â€Å"sanction.† The action is approval or, more formally, approbation; the noun approver, the verb approbate, and the adjective approbatory are all rare. To reprove is to censure, correct, or scold; the action is reproof. One who reproves is a reprove (though that usage is rare), and one may be described as scolding reprovingly. These words stem from the Anglo-French verb reprover and ultimately derive from the Latin verb reprobare, the source of reprobate. (The family of related words that retain the prob- element are discussed in this post.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating Conjunctions50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and FingersConfusion of Subjective and Objective Pronouns

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global organizations ethical & cultural issues Essay

Global organizations ethical & cultural issues - Essay Example Such challenges may include ethical and cultural issues that corporations face as they seek to expand their presence in the global arena. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. faces ethical, social responsibility & cultural issues as it seeks to expand its operations outside the United States. Indeed, this research paper addresses and analyzes the cultural, ethical, and social responsibility issues affecting the operations of Wal-Mart outside America. Wal-Mart is a global retail corporation that operates a chain of large retail stores in various formats across the world (Forbes, 2013). The global organization has its headquarters in America and stands out as the largest private employer with more than two million employees across the world. The corporation has about 8500 stores, which operates in 50 states in the United States and in 26 countries across the globe (The New York Times, 2013). The global organization has a low price philosophy, which attracts a wide a customer base (Forbes, 2013). Neve rtheless, with the diversity of its operations and many employees the corporation faces numerous ethical, cultural, and social responsibility issues relating to its operations and workforce. Walmart has been expanding its operations outside US especially to areas where it can establish a strong retail store. The global organization opened retail stores in Japan, Germany, China, and South Korea but faced various cultural issues that limited its success and sometimes led to the closure of such retail stores. Notably, Germany was the first place that Walmart opened its stores outside Europe (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). Nevertheless, cultural issues in Germany grounded its operations. The cultural issues included the corporation’s failure to provide all products and services under one roof as seen in American stores (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). Moreover, the merchandise at the Walmart stores in Germany was inefficient for the customers. The retail store irritated the German customers by placing all the premium products at an eye level and placing the discounted products at the bottom or the top most shelve where customers struggled to get the discounted products (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). Additionally, the WalMart’s product line in Germany did not suit the shopping and cultural traits of the customers. In fact, the German culture negated the American culture that Walmart propagates in that shoppers opt to shop daily in various local stores dealing in household goods and groceries instead of shopping once a week as Walmart advocates (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). Walmart had issues in satisfying the cultural and shopping habits of a normal German shopper who seeks to the most efficient and limited time in shopping (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). The retail store in Germany mandated customers to spend longer time in shopping to the dismay of the German shoppers. Additionally, the retail store introduced strange management practices that did not conform to the Germa n culture. Indeed, the management requires employees to attend the morning exercise before the shift that annoyed many German employees (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). Furthermore, the store required sales clerks to smile at customers. This negated the German culture where men viewed this as flirting and the German culture viewed the behavior of smiling at strangers as an abnormality (Landler & Barbaro, 2006). In fact, this trend disturbed many German cashiers and derived hard feelings as the smiles were

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Construction Industry in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Construction Industry in the UK - Essay Example Issues discussed include the condition of the industry and where it needs to go from here. In the end some recommendations such as, the government trying to stabilise the economy will help the industry prosper in the upcoming future, the industry focusing on not only building structures but diversification and more research and development. The theme that I have chosen from the leadership module is communication. Communication is the process through which we can assign and convey meaning to create shared understanding. It is basically exchange of thoughts and ideas from one person to another. The built environment/construction industry sector is a vital part of our economy. Human beings need houses to live in and that need to be built or constructed. Houses or structures have evolved through time. Today the structure of a building is more contemporary than. The industry is divided into three main sectors: the construction of building, heavy and civil engineering construction contractors and specialty trade contractors. The construction industry in the UK is quite large; it employs 2.2 million people and is Britain's largest industry. The industry is quite dangerous to work inn because of the large number of accidents that take place in the working environment. The industry accounts for 5 per cent of the UK GVA i.e. Gross Value Added. UK has the second highest level of construction value added per capita. The industry is worth 65 billion per annum and its total output in 2002 was 81.9 billion. It comes in the top ten construction industries in the world. The industry is skewed towards small firms, but these firms contribute a small share to the output and employment of people. Apart from all of this, the construction industry in any part of the world not only UK, is highly dependent on the business cycle. Any change in the environment affects the industry and decisions related to the industry. Thus, the better the economy is doing the better the environment for the construction industry to thrive in. Aims/Objective In this paper we will discuss the construction industry and we will see how the communication theme of the module affects the industry. Also, communication is a vital part of any industry or business environment, we will see the part that it plays in this particular industry. Literature Review The name of the literature is mentioned in the bibliography, but I will give a brief overview of all the literature that I went through in this section. According to the Fatal statistics released by Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for 2006/07 show there was a 28% increase in the number of fatal accidents to workers in the construction industry. Tragically 77 workers lost their lives in construction up from 60 in 2005/06, which was the lowest figure on record. (HSE Construction: Live Issues). Thus there are many health hazards in the industry. Corruption is also an issue even though the people involved in the sector have differing views about it making the problem very complex. A council has been developed to represent the professional bodies, research organisations and specialist business associations within this industry. This council is the Construction Industry Council (CIC). Internet has made a profound impact on the business communication in the construction industry. Free flows of information, open collaboration and diminishing international

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Eve, the Heroine Essay Example for Free

Eve, the Heroine Essay Milton’s Paradise lost, Eve is the heroine. She is most often overlooked as a heroic figure because she is not a central character, and her character does not demonstrate equality in comparison to Adam or Satan. A hero or heroine is someone who demonstrates heroic qualities such as courage, leadership and independence. Heroism requires self sacrifice for the greater good of all humanity and excellent morals. In order to argue Eve as a heroine I will investigate Eve’s heroic qualities, the imperfection of Eden and Satan versus Eve. Eve shows independence when she suggests to Adam to split up in the garden in order to finish their assigned tasks faster. She states, â€Å"let us divide our labors; thou, where choice† (Milton, IX. 214). This is the first time when Eve guides Adam instead of following him. Eve assures Adam she is capable when she convinces him that separating in the garden is a better solution. Eve is intelligent and relies on her ability to reason (Milton, IX. 654). Adam believes that Eve has knowledge of good and evil and trusts her to go alone in the garden. (Milton, IX. 697) Eve is the first person to disobey God, by eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. This demonstrates leadership and courage. Eve is aware of the retribution following the rebellion of god’s commands. After having sinned and feeling remorseful, Eve proposes to take her own life. This act of selflessness shows how heroic in nature she is. God offers Messiah to partake in Adam and Eve’s punishment. God takes their immortality by turning them into humans instead of killing Adam and Eve (Paradise Lost). The two mortals are able to repent for their sins. Eve’s rebellion against God is treated as heroic because the fall is fortunate. Her actions ultimately pave the way for humankind’s redemption and salvation, the deliverance from sin. The punishment of expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden revolutionized Paradise. They went from being virginal beings, the purest of forms, into fallen sinful humankinds. Milton, who was a Protestant, believed that Jesus sacrificed his life in exchange for others to repent their sin. Many Christians believed that the fall corrupted the entire world, forcing people of future generations to commit original sin. Original sinners would then turn to God because they could not attain an everlasting life. Eve, the first of humankind to sin, passes the original sin down to all her descendants. This caused the notion that it is in humankind’s nature for future human beings to sin and ask forgiveness of all sins. Augustine, who studied theology, said, â€Å"God judged it better to bring good out of evil, than to suffer no evil to exist† (Oulter). Augustine promoted the concept of original sin. He stated that God has good reason for evil to exist, even though he did not create it. Evil cannot exist unless God willed it; therefore he can use it for his glory and for our good (Oulter). According to Augustine and Milton, the fall was a fortunate fall because the Garden of Eden is not perfect. The fall is ultimately good sprouting from an evil action. Without the fall from Eve and Adam, humankind would not have freedom of will or be able to make mistakes. Eve is the heroine because she is the first human being in the Garden of Eden to disobey God, creating change in Paradise Lost and in the end creates Felix culpa, which is a Latin word for â€Å"fortunate fall†. Eve and Satan have a lot of similar characteristics for example, they are both leaders, demonstrate braveness, disobey God, and envy others with higher power and authority. However, Eve’s rebellion differs from Satan’s primarily because Eve and Adam show remorse and shame after they have sinned. They seek God’s forgiveness by deciding to ask forgiveness for their sins, instead of taking Satan’s path of constant rebel without repentance. They understand that God will eventually forgive them over time and their sins can be corrected through generations of hard labour on Earth. This is a true sacrificial gesture and can be seen as very heroic in nature. Eve is also selfless when she abstains from procreation. She is worried that her sinful nature will be passed on to her future children and they will be judged. Eve admits that it will be hard yet adds that Adam and she have the power to control their own destiny. Satan in contrast to Eve is very selfish. He is so envious of God’s power that he tries to overcome heaven. Satan thrives for the power and glory of his almighty. He disobeys God once again by going to the Garden of Eden and convinces Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge. Satan receives his punishment and does not regret any of his actions. Satan does not believe in God’s creations and denies his priority by stating that the angels were self-raised (Milton,V. 860). Satan speaks his mind when he says that nobody remembers their birth. This is a huge difference compared to Eve’s belief in God. Satan has a lot of power yet he continues to seek more. In comparison, Eve searches for equality. Milton’s demonstration of Eve wanting to be equal when Eve considers not telling Adam what she has done, â€Å"In Femal Sex, the more to draw his love, and render me more equal, and perhaps, a thing not undesireable, sometime superior for inferior who is free?† (Milton, IX. 822- 825). She thrives for equality with Adam so she can be taken seriously while engaging in intellectual conversations with Raphael. Eve demonstrates all the qualities a hero would possess such as: courage, bravery, independence, leadership and intellectual ability. She changed Paradise forever. Without the fall, Eden’s imperfection would have remained and the world would be different today. Satan though powerful, did not show remorse or regret for his sins and for this reason he is not a hero. Because of Eve’s actions and decisions she is the ultimate heroine of Paradise Lost. WORKS CITED Milton, John. â€Å"Paradise Lost†. New Arts Library. 1999. Web. 5 Jan. 2012. Oulter, A. â€Å"St. Augustine, Enchiridion: On Faith, Hope, and Love†. Perkins School of Theology MCMLV. 1955. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Paradise Lost A Brief Overview Summaries.† Paradise Lost Study Guide. New Arts Library. 1999. Web. 5 Jan. 2012.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Your Body Is Never Yours Essay example -- Literary Analysis, Disgrace

In Disgrace, sex is repeatedly used a source of power. Lurie takes advantage of his young student and also pays prostitutes for sex. The most violent act of power and hatred towards sex and women is Lucy ´s rape, performed by two black men. However, I claim sex is in fact not used for power, but that the author believes that we never own our own bodies. Therefore, considering they are not ours, they cannot be violated. Furthermore, he shows us that the worth of our bodies is simply limited to the expectations of people around us. I state that in Disgrace, your body does not belong to you. It is merely a product of expectations and responsibilities. In the opening of the book, Lurie pays for the service of prostitutes to find relief. In his younger days, he could use his charm and good looks to seduce women now â€Å"if he wanted a woman he had to learn to pursue her, in one way or another to buy her† (7). He speaks of wanting something, suggesting that a woman is a thing that can be had, or in this case purchased. While reflecting of the prize he pays for his favorite-prostitute ´s body he realizes that â€Å"in a sense they own Soraya too, this part of her, this function† (2). They, being the escort company that she belongs too. Here it is implied that Soraya is just a product that can be sold and purchased, or even rented out by its owner. When, one day Lurie sees Soraya shopping with her sons, their relationship change. She becomes a person, a living being and their relation ends on her initiative. This shows of her desire to restrain herself to an object in the eyes of her customer. Subsequently, as David no longer can take pleasure from Soraya, he benefits from his position as a respected teacher to take advantage of the much younge... ...eople ´s eyes. Our bodies are not ours, as Lucy affirmed after she has decided to get married to Petrus. â€Å"With nothing. Not with nothing but. With nothing. No cards, no weapon, no property, no rights, no dignity† (205). This is how she sees herself, and perhaps how every person in the novel sees themselves. Everyone realizes that their value is bound to something other than them, David to his status as a professor, Melanie to her youth and beauty, Pertrus to his property and ownership, Lucy to being independent and Bev, who sadly knows that as a dumpy older woman she has no value at all. A sad idea, but nonetheless true in Disgrace. That we are not people but mere products, to be valued, evaluated and graded. The use of power to obtain sex or of sex to obtain power then becomes secondary. As readers we are left with the query of whom or what is deciding our value.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Communication Essay

I. Mass Media Effect on Children’s and Teens’ Body Image Outline Mass media outlets of all forms effect adolescent girls’ and young women’s body image negatively. Be it via magazine, television, movies, advertisement, or other sources, girls and young women are bombarded with mass media constantly that contain hidden messages about the â€Å"ideal† woman, and messages on ways to attain the attributes required to be socially accepted by these unspoken standards. Common attitudes acquired by children and teens from the media of what is acceptable physically, related eating disorders, media literacy’s effect on whether an individual will be easily influenced or not by subliminal mass media messages on body image will be discussed accordingly. A. Mass Media Effects on Children’s Attitudes towards overweight individuals and/or obesity 1. According to Bissell K. and Hays, H. (2011), in the article, â€Å"Understanding Anti-Fat Bias in Children: The Role of Media and Appearance Anxiety in Third to Sixth Graders’ Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Obesity† children develop attitudes about acceptable body weight from media such as television. Children view television close to 6 hours a day according to Bissell and Hays (2011). The subliminal content on acceptable body fat and physical appearance abounds. Bissell and Hays state that, â€Å"Given this amount of exposure, it seems likely children are exposed to television and images that reinforce notions about the importance of thinness and attractiveness (p. 116-7)†. Bissell and Hays also say â€Å". . . The media’s influence on the body image of children that the media perpetuate beliefs about the importance of thinness and that a negative stigma associated with being overweight i s then possibly formed (p. 117).† 2. The Social Learning Theory closely relates to the attitudes of other children towards individuals, and can be applied to this point. B. Mass media effects on eating disorders 1. In the article, â€Å"Influence of Mass Media on Body Image and Eating Disorder Attitudes and Behaviors in Females: A Review of Effects and Processes†, by Lopez, et al. (2010), direct effects of magazine and television on adolescent girls and young women. According to Lopez et al, â€Å"Undeniably, a substantial portion of media content consumed by children and adolescents is replete with unhealthy messages about the beauty ideal, body size, food, weight control, and the gender roles of women and girls, as well as use of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances for managing one’s emotions and self-presentation (pg. 388).† Lopez et al goes on to discuss the way that the mass media effects adolescents without their realizing it; â€Å"People are often unaware—and mass media work hard to keep it that way—of the extent to which, and just exactly how mass media play an important role in promoting consumerism, body objectification, and internalization o f the current beauty ideal (Lopez et al., 2010). 2. According to Rieves, S. (2011) â€Å"Models weigh 23% less than the average woman, while a generation ago the gap was 8%†. This ideal sets an impractical role model for young girls. Rieves (2011) also points out the startling fact that, â€Å"At the start of puberty, 81% of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat† (p. 123). Rieves also alludes to the evidence of studies, and said â€Å"Researchers consistently ï ¬ nd a strong relationship between media exposure and the epidemiology of eating disorders at the aggregate population level† (p. 123). 3. Social Comparison Theory relates to eating disorder development and mass media influence. According to Rieves (2011), â€Å"Moreover, celebrity images contribute to unrealistic weight through social comparison (p. 124).† C. Mass Media effects regarding Media Literacy 1. In the article, â€Å"Idealism: Factors Affecting the Body Image of College Students† by Pitura A., college students participated in a study to determine the degree mass media effected body image and which media sources were more influential. Pitura says that media literacy is a crucial quality in whether or not an individual’s body image will be negatively affected by media exposure. According to Pitura (2010), â€Å"In order to become media literate one must be able to sort through the information given by the media and determine fact from fiction (p. 63). 2. According to Meng, J. and Bissell, K., (2009) â€Å"As young girls look to television and movie stars such as Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana) or Ashley Tisdale (High School Musical), they see the glamorized images, to a large degree, of very thin girls (p. 7).† What viewers can distinguish between what is real and what is glamorized relates to each viewers le vel of media literacy. If a viewer has a low media literacy, the images that viewer regards as realistic and acceptable outweigh the views of viewers who hold a more realistic outlook when consuming media such as the television shows mentioned. D. Mass Media Effects Factors Contributing to Body Image 1. Several factors contribute to mass media effects on an individual. The degree of consumption of media, the media form, and peer pressure all play a role in the internalization of body image; often these ideals are excessively thin due to media images. 2. A study of girls ages 9 through 12, by Clark and Tiggerman (2006), concluded that media does in facts effects one’s body image and self-worth from adolescents and earlier; â€Å"There is no doubt, however, that the mass media are powerful transmitters of societal ideals for children, just as for adults (Clark and Tiggerman).†

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Comparison of Early American Literature Essay

The two selections Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford and The General History of Virginia by John Smith are some of the earlier pieces of American literature. Although they were both written in the same time period the style and attitudes vary greatly. William Bradford had a very direct form of writing; commonly known as â€Å"plain puritan† style, whereas, John Smith had a somewhat confusing, more elaborate, writing style. Bradford’s piece also seemed more accurate than John Smith’s account. For example, John Smith wrote of his capture by â€Å"†¦three hundred bowmen, conducted by the king of Pamunkee†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which seems more than a little exaggerated. After all, it generally doesn’t take three hundred men to capture one. Smith exaggerated many times in order to boast about himself. There are many times when he refers to his greatness. In the following quote he boasts of his leadership skills and compassion for his fellow men while belittling his superiors: â€Å"The new President and Martin, being little beloved, of weak judgment in dangers, and less industry in peace, committed the managing of all things abroad to Captain Smith, who, by his own example, good words, and fair promises, set some to mow, others to bind thatch, some to build houses, others to thatch them, himself always bearing the greatest task for his own share, so that in short time her provided most of them lodgings, neglecting any for himself†¦Ã¢â‚¬  William Bradford, on the other hand, boasts about his colony: â€Å"†¦there was but six or seven sound persons who to their great commendations, be it spoken, spared no pains night or day, but with abundance of toil and hard of their own health, fetched them wood, made them fires, dressed them meat, made their beds, washed their loath some clothes, clothed and unclothed them.† Bradford and Smith, both leaders of their colonies, wrote of their hardships in the new world. Despite these similarities the way they acted was very different. When John Smith writes about the Native Americans he refers to them as â€Å"savages† and â€Å"barbarians.† He even calls Pocahontas, the girl who saved his life, â€Å"a young wench.† Bradford writes of the Native Americans as  human beings. He even had a peace treaty with them that lasted twenty-four years. They also had different motifs for writing, which may contribute to the many differences. Smith wrote his selection to encourage people to come to America to find excitement and adventure. Bradford simply wanted to inform the readers of what the lives of colonists was really like. As different are their writing styles, motifs, and views these two men share some common ground, one being they are some of the earliest works of American Literature. So no matter how different or alike Smith and Bradford’s writings are, History of Virginia and Of Plymouth Plantation will always be remembered as great American literature.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The 52 Art Scholarships You Need to Know About

The 52 Art Scholarships You Need to Know About SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips People are always saying that art doesn’t pay. Fortunately, they aren’t always right! Prospective art students will be happy to know that there is a multitude of art scholarships out there that will help pay for their educations. We have all the details on the best art scholarships below, so read on to see which scholarships are the best fit for you! Who Should Apply for These Art Scholarships? The following art scholarships are aimed at students who are creative and have spent time in high school developing their artistic talent. Art careers are not the easiest to pursue, so you’ll have to demonstrate a passion for your chosen art form in order to show that you have real potential. Art scholarships can cover many different disciplines, including performing arts, fine arts, design, and more. In this list, I have covered available scholarships for the following disciplines: Performing arts, such as drama, film, television, and broadcasting Dance Photography Fine arts, such as drawing, painting, and sculpture Video game design Music, including voice and instrumental Design, including graphic design, interior design, sound design, and industrial design Scholarships that cover more than one area of art will be listed in each relevant category. Though many art scholarships are specific to a particular college or university, the scholarships listed below can be used at many different schools. To earn the most money for college, you should apply to as many of these scholarships as possible and also inquire at your college about opportunities for scholarships for your particular program. Be aware that this is not an exhaustive list of art scholarships. If you don’t see something that looks like it could be a fit for the kind of art you do, make sure you do more research about scholarships in your field. There are probably a few out there! Also, keep in mind that most art scholarships are offered directly through universities. When you're considering applying to a school, be sure to ask about any art scholarships they might have that you'd be eligible for. Performing Arts Scholarships First, let's take a look at the best performing arts scholarships currently available. Aiko Susanna Tashiro Hiratsuka Memorial Scholarship This art scholarship is for active Student/Individual members of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). Applicants must be studying performing arts. Deadline: March 2020 (for incoming college freshmen) and April 2020 (for all other students) Award Amount: Varies depending on scholarship Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Bruce Marson Memorial Scholarship This performing arts scholarship is geared toward Fairfax County high school students (educated via either public school, private school, or home-schooling) who are seeking a degree in Technical Theatre Production. Deadline: Early May 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Case Western Reserve University Theater Scholarships Case Western offers four full-tuition scholarships, as well as two $10,000 scholarships, for students who wish to major/minor in theater or pursue theater as an extracurricular. All students must complete an audition or present a portfolio of their work. Deadline: January 15, 2020 for application packet; February 1, 2020 for digital portfolio presentations and interviews; February 18, 2020 for in-person portfolio presentations and interviews Award Amount: Full tuition or $10,000 Charles Lucille King Family Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships The King Family Foundation offers several scholarships for students majoring in film and broadcasting. These scholarships come with the following award amounts: Up to $7,000 to college juniors and seniors majoring in film, television, and related fields $10,000 to a senior at NYU majoring in film or video $10,000 to a senior majoring in film or video at USC $10,000 to a graduate student studying film or video at UCLA $10,000 to a graduate student studying in the film or video MFA program at NYU Deadline: April 15, 2020 Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Performing Arts Scholarship To qualify, you must be a full-time undergraduate student or current high school senior, have a minimum 2.5 out of 4.0 GPA, and be pursuing a major and a career in the performing arts. This scholarship is intended for African-American students. Deadline: Late April Award Amount: Up to $3,000 Donna Reed Performing Arts Scholarship This scholarship is for performing arts students in Iowa. Applicants must be in 10th to 12th grade, submit a three- to five-minute video audition and a headshot, and provide a letter of recommendation from a drama educator. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: Up to $1,000 Educational Theatre Association Thespian Scholarships Each year, the Educational Theatre Association awards several scholarships to students in the performing arts. These scholarships are open to students ranging from high school sophomores all the way to college juniors! Note that some scholarships require attendance at the International Thespian Festival. Currently, there are 10 different scholarship opportunities available. Deadline: April or May 2019, depending on scholarship Award Amount: Varies depending on scholarship Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Georgia Thespian Scholarships Scholarships are awarded to 12 high school seniors who participate in Georgia Thespians. All auditioning students must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Award amounts are as follows: Gerald Ray Horne Scholarship: $2,500 Yatesy Harvey Theatre Educator Scholarship: $2,000 Frank Pruet Eric Ebell Vision and Innovation Scholarship for Leadership: $2,000 Pam Ware Leadership Scholarship: $2,000 Linda P. Wise Performance Scholarship: $2,000 Gene Imelda Bell Service Scholarship: $2,000 Dwight Gilstrap Technical Scholarship: $2,000 Achievement Scholarships (5): $2,000 Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship This scholarship is open to high school seniors up through current graduate students. There are 16 regional awards and two national awards available. Note that the awards are not necessarily limited to education in the theatre arts. Award Amount: Varies from $500 up to $5,000 John L. Dales Scholarship Fund Applicants must be active members of the Screen Actor’s Guild or children of members. Required materials include SAT/ACT scores and transcripts. Deadline: March 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Scholarships OAB offers several scholarships to students enrolled in Oklahoma colleges or universities who are majoring in broadcasting. Students must be either juniors or seniors in college, have a minimum B average, and plan to work in broadcasting. Selection is based on students' extracurricular activities and awards, broadcast industry experience, financial need, and an essay. Deadline: February 2020 Award Amount: Six awards of $2,000 each Vivian Klemz Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is for current college students (sophomore and above) who are from Ventura County, CA, graduated from a Ventura County high school, and are currently pursuing an education in the arts (which includes performing, visual, fine, or language arts). Preference is given to female applicants. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $1,500 VSA Playwright Discovery Award Applicants must be in grades 6 through 12 (ages 11-18 for non-US students). Students must write a 10-minute script (of any genre) that incorporates the theme of disability. Note that applicants must have a disability (or, if applying as an ensemble, at least one student must have a disability). Deadline: Mid-January 2020 Award Amount: Ranges from $3,000 to $20,000 Dance Scholarships In this section, we introduce the best dance scholarships currently available to students. Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Caroline H. Newhouse Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for dancers looking to transition into new careers. The scholarship is open to those who have had a performing dance career for at least seven years (does not have to be consecutive or current), 100 weeks or more of paid dance employment in the US, and total gross earnings of $56,000 or more over the course of the seven years. Deadline: Multiple deadlines throughout the year Award Amount: $2,000 Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 Jean Lee/Jeff Marvin Collegiate Scholarships Each year, Indiana SHAPE awards six scholarships to undergraduates who are attending an Indiana college or university and are majoring in health, physical education, recreation, dance, or exercise science. Applicants are evaluated on several factors, such as their GPAs, potential as professionals, financial need, and recommendation letters. Deadline: January 15, 2020 Award Amount: Six annual $1,000 awards Mary Benevento/CTAHPERD Scholarship This scholarship is for high school seniors from Connecticut who plan to major in dance or another physical/health education field at a Connecticut college or university. Students will be judged based on their academic ability, professional competence, and future career potential. Applicants must submit transcripts, a 300-word essay, and a letter of recommendation. Deadline: June 15, 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 NYCDA Foundation College Scholarship Program For these dance scholarships, applicants must have recently completed their junior or senior year of high school and plan pursue a performance-based major. In addition, they must attend an audition and submit a letter of recommendation from a dance instructor. Scholarships last for four years of college. Deadline: July 2020 Award Amount: Ranges from $5,000 to $25,000 Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship Applicants must be members of SHAPE America, be majoring in dance or another physical/health education field, and be college juniors or seniors with GPAs of 3.5 or above. Selection is based on academics, leadership, community service, and character. Deadline: October 15 Award Amount: $1,250 for undergraduate students and $1,750 for graduate students Photography Scholarships Now, we'll take a look at the best photography scholarships. AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $6,000 Bodie McDowell Scholarship This scholarship is available to students who are working (or plan to work in) in outdoor communications, which includes print, photography, film, art, and/or broadcasting. Eligible students must submit examples of work and letters of recommendation. Academic achievement is considered but isn't a major deciding factor. Deadline: March 1, 2020 Award Amount: Varies, but usually is between $1,000 and $5,000 Janie Moore Greene Scholarship Grant This award is available to high school seniors and current college students who are majoring in photography. Deadline: October 31, 2019 Award Amount: $1,000 Fine Arts and Writing Scholarships Here are some of the best scholarships for those majoring in writing or the fine arts. Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship This scholarship is open to Asian American high school seniors and college students who are majoring in performing, visual arts, journalism and/or mass communications. Eligible students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Deadline: Early May 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $6,000 Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2019 Award Amount: $2,000 Beall Scholarship Applicants for this scholarship must meet the following eligibility requirements: Female between the ages of 16 and 36 Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Resident of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia Demonstrate financial need Applicants must be art majors. Deadline: June 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $3,000 Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Fund Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university, be taking at least six credit hours, and be enrolled in a BFA, BA in Studio Art, MFA, or BA/MA in Music program. Students must be studying painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or printmaking. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Deadline: February/March 2020 Award Amount: Varies Esther Kanagawa Memorial Art Scholarship Applicants must be Hawaii residents and current high school seniors who plan to major in the fine arts at an accredited college or university. They must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher and demonstrate financial need and good character. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 Lois Livingston McMillen Fund This scholarship is for women from Connecticut who are studying the fine arts. Preference is given to those studying the visual arts of painting or design. Deadline: March 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies Minnesota Academic Excellence Scholarship This scholarship is for Minnesota-based high school seniors who are planning to attend a college or university in Minnesota. Applicants need to show excellence in an academic subject, which can be fine arts or creative writing. Award Amount: Varies NPG’s Poster Scholarship Contest Negative Population Growth gives a prompt every year and asks students to submit poster that's been designed by hand (no computer-generated work allowed). The prompt for 2019 asked about the negative effects of population growth on the US environment. Deadlines: July 15 and October 15 Award Amount: $1,000 to $3,000 Ritchie M. Gregory Fund Applicants must be current Hawaii residents who are majoring in art and have a GPA of at least 2.7 at a two- or four-year university or college. Applicants are evaluated on academic achievement, character, and financial need. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Visual Arts Fellowships Applicants must be residents of Virginia; they also must complete an online application and turn in a resume, a sample of their artwork, and an artistic statement (visual arts only). Deadline: November 1, 2019 Award Amount: Undergraduates (including high school seniors) win $4,000, and graduate students win $6,000 Vivian Klemz Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is for college students (sophomore and above) who are from Ventura County, CA, graduated from a Ventura County high school, and are currently pursuing an education in the arts, including performing, visual, fine, or language arts. Preference is given to female applicants. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $1,500 Video Game Design Scholarships Here are great scholarships for budding video game designers. Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for students of any major who intend to pursue a career in the development of interactive entertainment, such as animation, programming, and game design. Applicants must be at least sophomores in college and have a minimum 3.3 GPA. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: $2,500 WomenIn Scholarship Fund This award is aimed toward women who want to enter the interactive entertainment industry. This scholarship is open to women pursuing careers in game development or the business of interactive entertainment. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: $2,500 Music Scholarships Here are some of the best music scholarships you can apply for. AMCA Music Scholarships The Associated Male Choruses of America sponsors scholarships for students who will be majoring in vocal music studies or instrumental music (though preference is given to the former). Applicants must be sponsored by a member chorus of the AMCA and are required to submit an application, a transcript, and three letters of recommendation. Deadline: March 1 Award Amount: $1,000-$1,200 Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Fund Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university, be taking at least six credit hours, and be enrolled in a BFA, BA in Studio Art, MFA, or BA/MA in Music program. Students must be studying painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or printmaking. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Deadline: February/March 2020 Award Amount: Varies Doris Clarence Glick Classical Music Scholarship This scholarship, sponsored by the Hawaii Community Foundation, is for students from Hawaii who are currently attending a non-profit college in the US. Students must be majoring in music with an emphasis on classical music, demonstrate financial need, and have a 2.7 GPA or above. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies but is approximately $1,500 Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Glenn Miller Scholarship Competition Scholarships are awarded annually to both vocalists and instrumentalists and may be used for any education-related expenses. Only high school seniors and college freshmen are eligible. Applicants must submit an audition CV with two tracks of contest-level material in contrasting styles as well as an essay. Finalists will have to perform in person. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $3,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 The John Lennon Scholarship Scholarships are awarded to student songwriters and composers who work in contemporary musical genres like alternative, pop, rock, indie, electronica, RB, and experimental. In order to qualify, students must be between the ages of 17 and 24, a current college student or alumnus of a U.S. university, and have not worked previously with a major record label. Applicants must submit an original song win order to apply. Deadline: Spring 2020 Award Amount: $20,000 Music Committee Scholarship This scholarship is available to high school students, as well as college freshmen and sophomores, from Kansas who are planning to attend (or are currently attending) a Kansas college or university and will major or minor in music. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Women Band Directors International Scholarships Women Band Directors International offers five different scholarships for women who plan on becoming a band director. A student in any college grade level may apply, though applicants must be majoring in music (any instrumental focus is okay). The application includes two letters of recommendation and a statement about why you want to be a band director. Deadline: December 1 Award Amount: Varies Nellie Love Butcher Music Scholarship This scholarship is for students pursuing an education in piano or voice. Preference is given to students of the Duke Ellington School of Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Applicants must upload their audio material as an MP3. Deadline: February 15 Award Amount: One-time award of $5,000 What do you mean "this doesn't adhere to the seven principles of design?" How could it not? Design Scholarships Finally, here is a list of the best design scholarships. AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $6,000 American Institute of Graphic Arts Honolulu Chapter Scholarship Fund Applicants must be residents of Hawaii, be attending college in the U.S., and majoring graphic design, visual communication, or commercial arts. They must also show financial need and have a 2.7 GPA or above. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies ASID Foundation Legacy Scholarships This scholarship is open to interior design students in their junior or senior year of college. To apply, students must submit a portfolio with 8-12 work examples, a personal statement, a letter of recommendation, a portfolio statement, a transcript, and a headshot. Scholarships are awarded based on the combination of applicants' academic accomplishment, creative achievement, and personal statement. Award Amount: $4,000 IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation, an essay, and two different examples of your design work. Deadline: March 31, 2019 Award Amount: $1,500 IFDA Student Membership Scholarship For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation from a current IFDA Professional Member, an essay, and two to three different examples of your design work. Deadline: March 31 Award Amount: $2,000 IIDA Student of the Year Award This scholarship was created to recognize a student who is a member of the International Interior Design Association and who has significantly impacted his or her school’s interior design program through leadership, insight, and involvement. Applicants must be IIDA student members in good standing and have a minimum 3.5 GPA. Deadline: February 2020 Award Amount: $5,000 IIDA Wilsonart Essay Competition This scholarship recognizes a student member of the International Interior Design Association who has taken part in a student-mentoring week and who plans to have a career in interior design. This competition encourages leadership and mentoring between students and professionals. Students must submit an essay of 500-750 words about their mentoring experience. Deadline: Spring 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 ISDA Design Foundation Industrial Design Undergraduate Scholarship The Industrial Designers Society of America gives this annual scholarship to a student in industrial design. Applicants must have completed their freshman year of college with a GPA average of 3.0 or above and must also be student members of IDSA. Applicants must submit visual examples of work showing various projects. Students can only win this award once. Deadline: Mid-May 2020 Award Amount: $1,500 Joel Polsky Academic Achievement Award This scholarship is sponsored by the American Society of Interior Designers and is for students who have made academic contributions to interior design and wellness through print or digital communication. Applicants are required to submit a book, blog, or video, and the project must address the needs of the public, designers, and students in regard to design theory, education, business practices, and other related topics. Deadline: April 2020 Award Amount: Up to $5,000 Kansas City IFMA Scholarship This scholarship is for students majoring in interior design, architecture, or a field related to facility management. They must be enrolled in a Kansas or Missouri college or university. Applicants must include a letter of professional intent, two letters of recommendation, evidence of extracurriculars, and proof of GPA. Selected students must complete an interview. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: $500 or more Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for students of any major who intend to pursue a career in the development of interactive entertainment, such as animation, programming, game design, and music composition. Applicants must be at least sophomores in college and have a minimum 3.3 GPA. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: $2,500 Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation, an essay, and five different examples of original furniture designs. Deadline: March 31 Award Amount: $3,000 TLMI Four Year College Degree Scholarship This scholarship is for college juniors and seniors who are majoring in graphic arts, graphic design, or a different major, and who are interested in a career in the tag and label industry. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA, have three personal references, and submit an essay. Deadline: March 31, 2020 Award Amount: Up to six awards of $5,000 are given annually What's Next? If any of these scholarships look interesting to you, your first step will be to assemble a top-notch portfolio of your work. Check out our article on how to make an amazing art portfolio for college for tips on how to do just this! Looking for some tips on how to draw contour line art? Learn more with our contour line art guide. We also have a post designed to give you some drawing inspiration! Remember to start applying for scholarships early in order to maximize your college fund! Check out these 19 scholarships you can apply to during your senior year of high school. Need more money than what these scholarships are offering? Then take a look at our lists of amazing full-ride scholarships and colleges that offer full-ride scholarships. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Levallois Technique - Paleolithic Stone Tool Working

Levallois Technique - Paleolithic Stone Tool Working Levallois, or more precisely the Levallois prepared-core technique, is the name archaeologists have given to a distinctive style of flint knapping, which makes up part of the Middle Paleolithic Acheulean and Mousterian artifact assemblages. In his 1969 Paleolithic stone tool taxonomy (still widely used today), Grahame Clark defined Levallois as Mode 3, flake tools struck from prepared cores. Levallois technology is thought to have been an outgrowth of the Acheulean handaxe. The technique was reckoned a leap forward in stone technology and behavioral modernity: the production method is in stages  and requires forethought and planning. The stone tool-making Levallois technique involves preparing a raw block of stone by striking pieces off the edges until it is shaped something like a turtle shell: flat on the bottom and humped on the top. That shape permits the knapper to control the results of using applied force: by striking the top edges of the prepared core, the knapper can pop off a series of similarly sized flattish, sharp stone flakes which can then be used as tools. The presence of the Levallois technique is commonly used to define the beginning of the Middle Paleolithic. Dating the Levallois The Levallois technique was traditionally thought to have been invented by archaic humans in Africa beginning about 300,000 years ago, and then moved into Europe and perfected during the Mousterian of 100,000 years ago. However, there are numerous sites in Europe and Asia which contain Levallois or proto-Levallois artifacts dated between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 and 9 (~330,000-300,000 years bp), and a handful as early as MIS 11 or 12 (~400,000-430,000 bp): although most are controversial or not well-dated. The site of Nor Geghi in Armenia was the first firmly dated site found to contain a Levallois assemblage in MIS9e: Adler and colleagues argue that the presence of Levallois in Armenia and other places in conjunction with Acheulean biface technology suggest that the transition to Levallois technology occurred independently several times before becoming widespread. Levallois, they argue, was part of a logical progression from a lithic biface technology, rather than a replacement by movement of archaic humans out of Africa. Scholars today believe that the long, long range of time in which the technique is recognized in lithic assemblages masks a high degree of variability, including differences in surface preparation, orientation of flake removal, and adjustments for raw source material. A range of tools made on Levallois flakes are also recognized, including the Levallois point. Some Recent Levallois Studies Archaeologists believe the purpose was to produce a single preferential Levallois flake, a nearly circular flake mimicking the original contours of the core. Eren, Bradley, and Sampson (2011) conducted some experimental archaeology, attempting to achieve that implied goal. They discovered that to create a perfect Levallois flake requires a level of skill that can only be identified under very specific circumstances: single knapper, all pieces of the production process present and refitted. Sisk and Shea (2009) suggest that Levallois points - stone projectile points formed on Levallois flakes - might have been used as arrowheads. After fifty years or so, Clarks stone tool taxonomy has lost some of its usefulness: so much has been learned that the five-mode stage of technology is far too simple. Shea (2013) proposes a new taxonomy for stone tools with nine modes, based on variations and innovations not known when Clark published his seminal paper. In his intriguing paper, Shea defines Levallois as Mode F, bifacial hierarchical cores, which more specifically embraces the technological variations. Sources Adler DS, Wilkinson KN, Blockley SM, Mark DF, Pinhasi R, Schmidt-Magee BA, Nahapetyan S, Mallol c, Berna F, Glauberman PJ et al. 2014. Early Levallois technology and the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition in the southern Caucasus. Science 345(6204):1609-1613. doi: 10.1126/science.1256484 Binford LR, and Binford SR. 1966. A preliminary analysis of functional variability in the Mousterian of Levallois facies. American Anthropologist 68:238-295. Clark, G. 1969. World Prehistory: A New Synthesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Brantingham PJ, and Kuhn SL. 2001. Constraints on Levallois Core Technology: A Mathematical Model. Journal of Archaeological Science 28(7):747-761. doi: 10.1006/jasc.2000.0594 Eren MI, Bradley BA, and Sampson CG. 2011. Middle Paleolithic Skill Level and the Individual Knapper: An Experiment. American Antiquity 71(2):229-251. Shea JJ. 2013. Lithic Modes A–I: A New Framework for Describing Global-Scale Variation in Stone Tool Technology Illustrated with Evidence from the East Mediterranean Levant. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20(1):151-186. doi: 10.1007/s10816-012-9128-5 Sisk ML, and Shea JJ. 2009. Experimental use and quantitative performance analysis of triangular flakes (Levallois points) used as arrowheads. Journal of Archaeological Science 36(9):2039-2047. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2009.05.023 Villa P. 2009. Discussion 3: The Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transition. In: Camps M, and Chauhan P, editors. Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions. New York: Springer. p 265-270. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-76487-0_17 Wynn T, and Coolidge FL. 2004. The expert Neandertal mind. Journal of Human Evolution 46:467-487.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Woman and Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Woman and Human Rights - Essay Example It was acclaimed in New York on18 December 1979 (Haan, 2010). This document proclaims that women should be protected by the government against discrimination. Numerous aspects connected with gender discrimination are considered in this document. Another regulative document is Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict acclaimed on 14 December 1974 (Haan, 2010). This document guarantees protection of women and children rights in armed conflicts. Thus inhuman acts violating the rights of women and children are considered to be destructive in this document. Very often civilians suffer from armed conflicts for liberation or a struggle against an enemy. This issue is considered in the document in detail. Another document is Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women acclaimed by General Assembly resolution 48/104 on 20 December 1993 (Haan, 2010). This document propagates that â€Å"the rights and principles with regard to equality, s ecurity, liberty, integrity and dignity of all human beings† are practically and legally applied to women. Basically, the violence against women is understood as violation of rights and basic freedoms of women. As far as this document propagates non-violation against women it can be claimed that this document would practically help a ‘full advancement’ of women.... In accordance with world’s analysts, â€Å"unless we empower and render justice to women we stand little chance of making a dent on the problems of conflicts, underdevelopment and injustice† (Women Gaining Voice). Therefore there is a need to focus attention of the International Commission on human rights and other related organs on the necessity to centralize women interests and rights. On their behalf, Women’s organizations around the world should proclaim their rights and appeal to the society to support all women in the world. The situation is better in EU and America, but the countries of the Third World experience even greater complexities connected with women’s rights regulations (Pillai et al, 1999). For example, in Africa there is a fast development of women’s movement directed on development of women’s partnership with media, educational and training institutions etc. Thus, it is evident that hindering factors of promotion and prote ction of human rights in Africa are facilitated by active participation of women’s organizations in that country. The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) is a non-governmental organization though it has a strong goal: â€Å"to participate effectively the development of our continent and †¦ensuring that African women voices influence decisions made at different levels that impact of their lives† (Women Gaining Voice). Therefore it is evident that a struggle against oppression of human rights in Africa conducted locally is a sign of advancement of ‘women’s empowerment, development, equality and peace in Africa’ (Women Gaining Voice). Basically, reforms of women’s attitudes to their rights

Friday, November 1, 2019

World Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

World Civilization - Essay Example In general terms, it is a term that stands for the close ties between people and states of the world culturally, economically and politically (Ostrom, n.d). Proponents perceive that, civilization has played a key role especially in political sphere an argument which has received major backing from civilization nationalists. For example, they have a uniting factor in the view that International institutions such as World Trade Organization have positively influenced political ties among member states. Dividing the two sides in the middle is the issue and the role of technology in globalization (Mancur, 1965). Proponents have identified with the remarkable positive contributions predisposed by technology such as faster access to information and more jobs created such us the online jobs. On the flip side, critics have expressed deep reservations on the security lapses that technology has exposed most countries to as a result of technology. They have also expressed concerns on global mor al decadence that has been wide spread as a result of civilization through technology (Clough, 1990). Civilization has destabilized the stand of poorer states and uncovered people to dangerous and harmful competition. Their concern is rational and understandable especially since the gap between the poor and the rich has become more prevalent in recent ages. Poverty can be deliberated in various ways, for instance, relative to a nation’s individual average consumption level or in terms of well being of citizens. By common agreement, civilization has increased rapidly since early nineteen eighties. If civilization leads to poverty, then Nations that have been economically incorporated through trade and investment should be worse. But, some nations in the world have become more integrated into global economy have made tremendous progress while others like Sub-Saharan Africa that have remained in isolation and have experienced a sharp decline (Clough, 1990). The fissure or gap be tween the poor and the rich groups of people in the world has increased. Inequality would rise with this tremendous increase in poverty. One of the common feature discussions connecting poverty and civilization is the general conception from the stance of impoverishment to lead to world developments. When governments accumulate debts in private markets engaging a decline in world demand for their products, prices of common goods would undergo depreciation leading to recession. Underdeveloped countries and small business owners are at distant from adjusting their technology as often as their developed, larger, wealthier counterparts. Due to inability to merge with wealthy and multinational firms, small firms and underdeveloped countries are pushed to carry on their businesses locally thus never expanding and reaching their full capacity. Technological advances are being made each day all over the world but the bad news is that they are proving to be unaffordable. This high cost of pr oduction leads to fixed consumer prices, which are high. Civilization has become a weapon in the politics of oppositional activities, rallying on the idea that of diverse global ills. Civilization is viewed as a symbol of civilization threat. The main argument behind it is that it tends to refer the United States and other developed countries as hegemonic powers that promote civilization for their own benefits. In turn, they harm the cultural, environmental, and economic interests of other countries of the world. Instead of establishing a universal human progress, it has made the gap between the poor and the rich to widen. About beliefs, the Constantine worshiped Christianity because he grew up in a background that believed in