Monday, July 29, 2019

Develop a Game or Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Develop a Game or Activity - Essay Example They found that most of the employees know nothing about people working around them. They decide to introduce new ritual: a small birthday party for every employee, but they concern about their cultural and personal beliefs which can affect such celebrations. The task of trainees is to gather information about colleagues, and image how the staff would organize different birthday parties. Theme "How well do you know the people around you' First part: The employees will be divided into two groups. Using the Intranet (and telephone) employees have to gather information about their colleagues (from the competitors group), and find possible similarities and differences about age, culture, religion, etc. Time limits: 40 min. Second part: Both groups have to make a small birthday presentation for one of the employees (form another group) according to his preferences and cultural values (role play). Analysis This activity (game) was chosen because the rise of computers at work has not only increased the need for computer skills training, but also created new training formats. Computer-based training is interactive, self-paced instruction using software teaching tools. Computer-based training can take a variety of forms. Some companies have staffed computer labs where employees can drop by to practice, with personal assistance available if needed. This game develops research and analytical skills, groupthink and problem solving skills. It has little to do with organizational context, but it will help employees to know each other and improve their communication. Performance support systems are useful because participants in a training program (game) can retain only a limited amount of information and usually not as much as has been taught. With a performance support system, however, employees can get training help and information at the exact time needed--the "trainable moment." Computer-related "knowledge" jobs, in which employees follow certain specified procedures lend themselves most readily to performance support systems. But these systems also help train employees on job tasks that require problem-solving and decision-making skills (Allen 1996). This game will help to examine managerial communication and its impact on different employees, identify its strengths and weaknesses. This game has some elements of the role play because trainees are asked not just to imitate the performance, but also to apply these skills and behaviors to a sample situation in which different individuals play certain roles. Solving and discussing problems helps trainees learn technical material and content, and role plays are an excellent way of applying the interpersonal skills being emphasized in the training. If done well, role plays give trainees the opportunity to integrate new skills with job behavior. This method enhances further training by illustrating how to apply instruction in practice. Demonstrations are ideal for basic skills training, while role playing works well for building complex behaviors such as interpersonal or management skills. During this game,

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