Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Vark analyis paper

Learning Styles This paper will explore the kinesthetic learning style identified by the VARK questionnaire. This paper will look into the dentified characteristics of a kinesthetic learner as well as the dfferent learning and studying strategies that can make the kinesthetic learner successful. Preferred Learning Style: Kinesthetic learning Is a style of learning that Is based on being actively Involved In the learning process. Kinesthetic learners use all five senses to be able to grasp Ideas and retain the Information that is being taught.The kinesthetic learning style nables the learner to learn material by â€Å"doing† such as with â€Å"hands on activity. It is essential that these learners have activity involved in their education. Kinesthetic learners have to be active participants in their learning in order to retain taught information. â€Å"Kinesthetic learners need to move around and work with ideas. They need to be touching or doing things that pertain to the ma terial being taught. Kinesthetic learners sometimes have difficulty sitting still in class and Just listening as they are â€Å"hands on learners†. The more actively you are Involved in doing a skill, the better you learn It.The more skin and muscles you use, the better you remember. Even small motions that seem unrelated to the activity help these learners to understand materiel. Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing or experiencing the Information being sought out. The more senses you can Involve In learning, the better you will remember it. † (Nelson, 2013) Preferred Learning Strategies: Kinesthetic learners do well with labs, demonstration, field trips and hands on experiences. The kinesthetic learner should attempt to take the concepts that are being taught and convert those ideas into â€Å"real† experiences.With the use of case studies and applications this can assist the kinesthetic learner to retain taught information as well as help with recall of in formation at a later on time. Learning tools that benefit the Kinesthetic learner include: being comfortable, kinesthetic learners are comfortable with studying in places such as a comfortable chair or sitting on the floor; listening to music or the TV, kinesthetic learners do study well while listening to music or with the television on as this allows them to use the hearing sense; also allowing room to move, kinesthetic learners need room to move round and change posltlons while studying.Preferred and Identified Learning Strategies: similarities are numerous. The author of this paper is a kinesthetic learner. The author prefers to understand an idea through â€Å"hands† on experience. The VARK learning strategies mirror the author's preferred learning strategies. The ability of the learner to have self-assurance in their studies is increased once the learner has identified and put into practice learning strategies that work best for them. Changes Needed in Study Habits: As stated previously, kinesthetic learners will flourish in an environment that is onducive to active participation by the learner.With that said kinesthetic learners must learn to adapt methods of study and learning to be successful in other learning environments. These environments can include online learning and lecture halls. Changes in study habits that can benefit the kinesthetic learner include practicing how to take organized notes during a lecture or online discussion. This â€Å"practice† can enable the learner to utilize one of their strengths. Also, practicing Strategies from other learning styles such as recording and re-listening to a lecture at a later time ay help the learner to make information more concrete.VARK Learning Style Analysis Summary: The VARK learning style analysis assists not only the teacher but the student as well to identify different learning styles. The VARK learning analysis identifies five different learning styles: visual, aural, reading/wr iting, kinesthetic, and multimodal. â€Å"Visual learners learn best by seeing. Things such as charts, diagrams, illustrations and handouts are beneficial learning tools for this type of learner. Visual learners prefer to see information in a visual form. Auditory learners (Aural) learn by hearing information.

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