Sunday, July 21, 2019

Food production methods in large functions

Food production methods in large functions Introduction The terms of food and beverage services gone from home forms a considerable element of the performance of the hotel and catering industry and like the industry of which it is a fraction , the food and beverage function is characterised both by its variety and its size. Outlets contain private and public division establishments and them choice from small privately-owned apprehension to large international organisations and from top-security reformatory catering to catering in the most luxurious hotels. In this assignment I will try to find out the characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems and food production and food and beverage service systems. Task 01 Discuss the characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems. Characteristics of the food and beverage sector A vital part of everyday life Major contributor to the national economy Generates employment Promotes diversity through many different food concepts cuisines An chance to enjoy the company of friends, family and colleagues Fulfils basic needs Food is a basic need for everyday life Food Production Methods Food production may be definite as that phase of the food flow mainly apprehensive with the dispensation of raw; semi prepared, or prepared foodstuffs. The resulting product may be in a ready to provide state, for example in the conventional method (cook serve); or it may experience some form of protection, for example cook-chill or cook-freeze, before being served to the consumer. Production systems Traditional Centralised Sous-vide Cook-chill Cook-freeze batch cooking call-order Traditional method In the conservative parties method, the majority of food is purchased raw, very little falling into what we now call the ‘’convenience foods’’ category. Facilities are presented for the receipt and storage of goods, the preparation, cooking, holding and service of food. The traditional method is used in most kitchen concern. Cook-Freeze method The expression cook-freeze refers to a catering system based on the full cooking of food pursued by fast freezing, with storage at a controlled low temperature of -18C or under. The method is related to cook-chill apart from refrigeration temperatures. Blast Freezing To decrease the time spent in danger zone, a specially considered Blast Chilling or Freezer is required measure refrigeration equipment just is not competent of removing heat fast sufficient. Blast Chilling The temperature must be concentrated from +70C to +3C or below within 90 minutes. Blast Thawing To de-ice food, the air approximately needs to be relatively heater than the food itself so that heat can be transferred from air to food to dissolve the ice. Hazard zone is between +8 C and +68C, where microorganisms multiply fastest, for as little time as achievable. The germs split into two each 20 minutes. Sous –vide method Sous-vide are more fresh food processing technique residential in the late 1970s. The sous-vide methods of food construction (vacuum cooking at exact temperature 138 degrees and time). Centralised distribution This method is frequently adopted by huge chains that are looking to subcontract all or measurement of their food production. Cook-Chill method This method is a catering coordination based on normal preparation and cooking of food pursued by rapid chilling and storage space. The Chilled food necessitates low capital outlay and minimum workforce. Service Systems Table/Plate service Counter/Buffet service A la carte Table d’hà ´tel Silver service Family service Flambà © service Specialist food service Table/ Service Food is organized, placed on individual tableware and delivered to the consumers. This method is used in the hotel and self-determining restaurants. Buffet service Food is prepared in move forwards. Big quantities of food then placed in containers and served from a table in the restaurant. Used in consultation and banqueting. Family/ English service Food is prepared and placed in dishes. Server then transportations to restaurant, it is placed in the centre of tables. Chinese and Middle Eastern Cultures. Silver/Russian service Food is prepared/ cooked, placed on hot silver containers. some fine dining, consultation and banqueting. A la carte Hotel or restaurant meal consisting of several differently priced dishes which are cooked frequently when ordered from a menu. A guest orders independently and pays for them separately. Table d’hà ´tel Is generally a restaurant meal consisting of a predetermined number of already prepared dishes, at a fixed price for a complete meal for one person. Flambà © service/Gueridon Food is prepared but not cooked. Attendant puts food on a convenient trolley and transfer into front of house neighbourhood. The food is prepared in front of the guests. Specialist food service A food overhaul specialist may arrange a selection of meals. Most employers require their food service specialist to have at slightest a high school diploma. Acquaintance of specialist food service should consist of: basic food handling, nutrition, sanitation measures. Discuss factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems. Factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems Size of operation Objectives of the operation Quality of the operation Nature of the menu Quality of customers Budget of the customers Customer needs Availability of resources The others factors affecting menu and recipes for specific system Size of the kitchen, consumer’s contentment, and price of items programmed, management decisions costs, availability of items, type of service, customer’s value, and demographic features, food habits and predilections, flavour and appearance of dishes, nutritional importance. Menu can be an outstanding selling tool to supplement the indicative selling of staff. Customer perceptions: keeping your consumers happy can be harder than you suppose. Happy customers result in: (repeat sales, positive company image, and high quality customer’s referrals) Space and equipment in the kitchen will manipulate the composition of the menu; Every establishment has a intention food cost to be achieved, the cost, preparation and production of the food items, have to well the target. Business stand up for profit; it is difficult for menu fashionable to make a customer and business friendly menu, to cover all costs. Accessibility of ingredients in seasonality and suppliers require be taken into reflection. Colour balance is essential; customers should be able to ‘eat with their eyes’. Ethnicity and nutritional value: Nutritional balance is important to make certain that the dishes are produced as nutritiously as potential (protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins). Menu is made for customer contentment, but if the items do not costume customer’s ethnicity and nutritional importance then it is a big difficulty. As we have only 60 guests, a medium kitchen is enough, the constituents we use in our menu are straightforward to find, and two or three waitress will be enough. Buffet/Counter service has the next advantages: can be provide a large number of people, customer have choice, customers are part of the development, fewer staff required, service staff require less skills, fewer objections due to their decision-making; Disadvantages: Queuing, food presentation can be pretentious; food can run out, food excellence affected due to temperature and mixing service crockery. Plate service has the next advantages: presentation, placed on individual plates, quality, portion control. Disadvantages of Plate service are: Require high quality and highly skilled chefs; consumers sometimes have to remain for food delivery. Conclusion Modern day food and beverage processes are progressing to get better in the quality, and the service. Professionalism is increasing, through improved training and development. The quality of service is becoming the generally important differentiating factor when consumers are choosing between different establishments. In this assignment I wrote about characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems and affecting recipes and menus for specific systems.

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